Lincoln Longwool Shearling and Alpaca Aran Weight Knitting Yarn  -  100g hank
Lincoln Longwool Shearling and Alpaca Aran Weight Knitting Yarn  -  100g hank
Lincoln Longwool Shearling and Alpaca Aran Weight Knitting Yarn  -  100g hank

Lincoln Longwool Shearling and Alpaca Aran Weight Knitting Yarn - 100g hank

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This yarn is a blend of 70% shearling wool from our rare breed Lincoln Longwool sheep flock with 30% alpaca fibre from our brown alpacas (called Drizzle and Coffee)  producing this beautifully soft, naturally coloured yarn with a noticeable lustre from the Lincoln fleece.  This yarn has been commercially spun for us into aran weight yarn by Curlew Weavers in mid-Wales.  

The hanks can easily be wound into "cake" balls for easy knitting (start from the centre of the ball) or can be purchased as twisted hanks which are easier for dyeing .  If you prefer to use a cake rather than a hank please contact Lynn here when making your purchase and we will prepare the yarn in cakes for you, for no extra charge.

We call this blend of naturally coloured yarn "Caramel Drizzle", we hope the name reflects our beautiful fibre animals that it originated from.   You can see a photo of the alpacas (and Drizzle himself!)  on this the photos, but please note, the alpacas are not part of the product listing and are not for sale!



As this is a natural product it should not be washed in on a standard cycle in a washing machine or dried in a tumble dryer.  Please see this link for wool care advice.