This lovely Gift Set features our beautiful Lincoln Longwool yarn, which has been hand-knitted* into a soap pouch, a bar of handmade Aloe Vera soap and a bottle of 100% organic essential Lavender Oil, together with our instructions on how to use the soap pouch in the shower or bath and afterwards as a scent diffuser. A lovely gift for someone special this Christmas that's quite unique and also that is supporting British rare breed sheep farming.
When the soap has been used, the pouch (which will have felted during use) can be hung by your bed infused with a few drops of organic lavender oil for a relaxing night's sleep. Lavender is known to fill the air with calming aromas and to help aid a good night's sleep.
Our Lincoln Longwool yarn is from our beautiful heritage sheep that graze on our farm near Wem in Shropshire. Their fleece has been commercially spun into double weight (DK) yarn by Curlew Weavers in mid-Wales. It will slowly felt when used as a soap pouch which a natural property of pure Lincoln Longwool.
This Gift Set has been designed with the environment in mind and all of the contents are either reusable, recyclable or compostable.
As this is a natural product it should not be washed in on a standard cycle in a washing machine or dried in a tumble dryer. Please see this link for wool care advice.
The price for this item includes delivery.
*we use a variety of "hand-cranked" knitting machines when making our products.